We are serious about our commitment to nurture and grow a healthy conversation about economics. Therefore we would like to thank contributors with the title of Guest Lecturer. It is just a token of our appreciation, genuinely felt. Contact one of the authors if you'd like to become a Guest Lecturer. Or, if we see that you have contributed substantially to the web site, we may contact you!
Arjo Klamer | Chair, Economics of Art and Culture, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Dean, Academia Vitae University College, Deventer, The Netherlands klamer@eshcc.eur.nl | www.klamer.nl | BIO |
Deirdre McCloskey | Distinguished professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication
University of Illinois at Chicago Professor of Social Thought, Academia Vitae deirdre2@uic.edu | www.deirdremccloskey.com | BIO |
Stephen Ziliak | Professor of Economics
Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL sziliak@roosevelt.edu | www.faculty.roosevelt.edu/ziliak | BIO |